Monday, February 22, 2010

Self Esteem - What Susan Boyle Thinks About Your Age

Do you know who Susan Boyle is? She is the Britain's Got Talent sensation. She made it to second best at the talent hunt at the age of 47. At 47! You may exclaim. Yes, at age 47. You are probably thinking like most people who assume such a TV program is a younger people thing.

She won our hearts by her outstanding performance despite all the prejudice she suffered because of her age. The show was so hot on the internet that sites that showcased the competition had a traffic windfall for weeks just because of this inspirational woman.

Why didn't she come out big earlier in life? She had been in other concerts and shows when she was younger but the organizers were not "seeing" her talent. Why did she have to gain this popularity at an older age in her life? May be you ask God. What counts is that she made it to our faces and hearts despite all the discouragements. At least you now know that you too can be popular for something worldwide at a later age.

Do you get the idea? And that is against all odds, real or imagined she made it to the place she had desired in her music career. And her age? When I hear her voice and music, I am more thrilled and inspired than thinking of some make- believe age issue.

If you are uncomfortable with your age; is the discomfort as a result of fear of loss of opportunities for experience or that of underachieved life.

If it is that of fear of loss of opportunities for experience, may be you feel at forty or fifty something you have become automatically (unfairly) "banned" from being you. Banned from dancing freely, jumping stairs, just almost everything that make you feel free and real. You think and feel unfairly prejudged because of some numbers associated with you.

If the fame had come to Susan Boyle 10-20 years earlier, would it had been a sweeter, more satisfying experience? I don't think age will determine that. Her ability to enjoy her NOW will come from a maturity that appreciates and celebrates life irrespective of whatever is the age. Something about people is that if they perceive your comfortability with an experience, they will align themselves to the rightness of that experience also.

If your discomfort is that of under-achievement, I will like to ask here- by what standard was the measurement done. I hope it is not another case of unhealthy competition borne out of undue comparison. You are probably comparing yourself with your high school and college colleagues. I always say this-That someone appears to be steps ahead of you in status doesn't mean he/she has outrun you in life. Life purposes and destinies differ and can't be run alike.

Even if there is a really case of underachievement, who says you can't recover the lost ground at any age. Ask Kentucky fries founder Col Harland Sander. He so believed in his Kentucky fried chicken that he travelled the US at age 65 to sell his chicken to restaurant owners. Think about that

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