As I write this, we're only a few weeks away from Halloween. Everyone loves the holiday once it's here and they have a costume figured out, but some people stress for weeks over what to wear. I've been in the same boat myself on many occasions, and I try my best to plan things out in advance so that I know exactly what I'll be by the time that final week rolls around. I really hate getting stuck in the stores and sifting through all the leftovers, and I refuse to let that happen.
At the same time, my budget is really tight this year. I don't feel like going out to splurge $50 on a costume that I'll only wear once, so I bring you three cheap Halloween costume ideas for this season.
First, you can dress up as a famous athlete. Why do I like this? Because you'll be out in comfortable clothes, and you're probably only one or two pieces away at most from having the outfit already. Borrow from a friend if you don't have a specific uniform or jersey yourself.
A second thing you can do is to dress up as a famous musician. Popular choices this year will be Michael Jackson for men, while it looks like Susan Boyle may lead the way for women. Another popular women's costume is the ever so entertaining Amy Winehouse.
Yet a third idea is to be either of the Obamas, Barack or Michelle, depending upon your gender of course.
For more ideas on Obama Halloween costumes, visit this free resource, where you can buy Obama Halloween costume or learn how to make your own.
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