Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Singing Tips From Susan Boyle

The unassuming nature of Susan Boyle compared to her voice stunned everybody. But what made her to be such a good singer? What catapulted her to stardom in just a few days? Before we learn some tips from her, a little about her background will be appropriate. Born April 1, 1961 to Pete Boyle, who was himself a singer, and Bridget, a shorthand typist. So we can say her talent is partly from something in her gene.

She also took some singing lessons and attended Birmingham Acting School. Short of that, all we know is that most of the singing she did was in her local church. Although the society, especially the judges of competitions tend to look at physical appearances, Boyle was determined not to hide her talent. Equipped with such a determination, she had appeared in a number of competitions.

Her not winning in those competitions was not because she was untalented, but mostly because of the false image of what a supposed singer must look like:beautiful,gorgeous and young.

This was the same in the "Britain Has Talent" competition. As she stepped on stage, everybody was expecting a squawking voice, but were geared to reality as her voice pierced through the air. Appearance, the judges came to understand, does not a talent make. What are some tips and lessons we can take from Susan Boyle?

First of all, Susan Boyle knew she had some talents in singing. Mainly for spiritual purpose of singing to God, she took some singing courses. She is also a determined lady never to give up on pursuing what she enjoyed doing. That is why in spite of her failures in previous competitions, she still entered "Britain Has Talent", where her star really shined.

Her training showed off as she hit high notes continuously without losing her breathe or the quality of her voice. This is where most singers fail. Reaching high tones is more of a psychological trick than technique. It could be illustrated this way:

Moving a car forward requires putting it in gear 1 after starting it. But in order to continue moving steadily and smoothly one needs to almost immediately put it in gear 2, then 3 and so forth. In reaching high tone, say C, what one needs to do is reach a slightly higher tone than C. Then almost automatically, all by itself the tone will come to C.

In other words, hitting exact tone at once is disastrous, a little higher tone should be reached first. Then this way, the tone needed will be struck, almost by itself.

Another thing we need to discuss is about vocal choirds. Vocal chords are the instrumental strings of the voice. It could be illustrated with piano strings. The lower notes are longer and thicker, while the higher notes are shorter and thinner. Applying this to singing, the vocal chords need to be shortened when singing higher notes in order for the sound to come out well.

All these Susan Boyle mastered because she did not give up on her dream of becoming a good singer. She as well took steps to singing mastery by taking lessons in singing. But most important, she pushed herself to success by undauntedly stepping forward. Now she is a star, known, viewed and heard by millions.

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