Friday, August 27, 2010

Susan Boyle Sings Success

Susan Boyle can teach us all a lesson about how to achieve success. Defined as "the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors", true success remains elusive for most people - regardless of profession. As a global "overnight sensation" Susan oozed courage, patience and determination in pursuing her personal goal. The truth is that most of us are just too busy being comfortable with where we are, as opposed to taking the risks necessary to be successful.

Never underestimate the power of a positive mindset. The only thing you have control of in your life is your perception. Luckily for Susan Boyle, this is the force that can move mountains. Instill within yourself a positive mindset and you've instilled the energy of success. This energy will forever attract its twin. In other words, the energy of success attracts the manifestation of success in actual life. A positive mindset incorporates strong self-belief, drive and determination.

To be successful you must develop your mission statement and break it down into smaller components. It is important to set small goals every day. In this, you are creating the step-by-step process to achieving your greater goals. Once successful patterns are established in your life, everything becomes possible.

When creating a goal-setting routine, set primary objectives in one or two areas to begin. As you start realizing small successes, add more objectives. Take a separate piece of paper for every objective. Clearly write the objective and the deadline for achieving your goal. Next, list the reasons you have for achieving each objective. Many people fail to achieve success simply because they lack clear reasons for doing so. For example, Susan Boyle made it her mission to enter, and win, a singing competition. She carefully planned the daily set of actions that would help her accomplish this mission. Susan did all this as a tribute to her late mother. The more compelling your reasons are, the greater your chances will be for meeting your objectives. Conversely, if you can't come up with good reasons to do something, you may as well set another objective, as this one won't be achieved.

Susan Boyle had the clarity of vision in her quest. Define what success means to you and manifest it in your actions. Combat every failing with a positive mindset and you'll realize that even mistakes are just another step in the right direction. When life doesn't go your way it's important not to get discouraged. The less it seems as if things are on the right track, the more you are required to persevere in your endeavor. Commitment means for better or for worse and no business endeavor comes without its lumps. Keep your positive mindset handy against whatever obstacles are thrown in your way.

Susan Boyle practiced her singing diligently and applied to appear on the Britain's Got Talent television show. Had she not done so she wouldn't have achieved her goal. As you can see, it takes action to achieve your dreams. Action is the final puzzle piece needed to build success.

Susan Boyle stayed true to her vision and pursued her dream. Remember that everyone suffers before achieving glory.

Karen Newman is the creator of the Experience Mapping concept and book by the same name. Experience Mapping is a process for leveraging past experience into future success.

As a successful business coach and mentor, Karen assists former executives and workforce veterans transition to profitable careers on the Internet. To find out more about Karen and how she can help you visit -

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