Friday, January 15, 2010
Susan Boyle Semifinal Completo - Legendado PT BR
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
2012 Apocalypse - The True Hype of 2012
The 2012 apocalypse is a prediction made by an intersection of Prophecies, Religions as well as Science. A number of scientific evidence and religious scriptures predict that there is a possibility of an apocalyptic event to take place in the year 2012.
Many scientists are on the process of researching the theories behind apocalypse and investigate on the acts of nature that can cause the apocalyptic event to take place.
The Mayan Calendar- Apocalypse 2012
The Mayan calendar is considered to be sacred and religious, having its own patron spirit. Prediction show that Mayan cycle of evolution will end on December 21. This time is called with many names, such as "Judgment Day", "The Apocalypse", "The End of Creation", "Armageddon" and "The Quickening".
As per the prediction, it is said that the end of Mayan Calendar will bring regeneration of earth, thereby offering an awakening to everyone with open hearts. The Mayans were renowned for their architectural, mathematical and scientific achievements. As per the Maya, the "future" that lies beyond 2012 will be considered literally an Apocalypse.
According to the Mayans, the end of various events over time will eventually lead to the spiritual awakening of the entire world. Others believe that the gravitational, magnetic energy and solar energies may go crooked when the galactic and planetary alignment tends to occur, thereby causing numerous natural disasters, such as weakening of the magnetic field and so on. This will in turn allow solar radiation to enter into our atmosphere and eventually destroy the whole planet.
So whats the big deal about Apocalypse 2012? To know the freaking news about apocalypse 2012, click here.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Ms Susan Boyle - An Inspiring Story
By the time you read this, you probably heard of the inspiring life story of Susan Boyle. A 47-year old, unemployed, never been married (and never been kissed) woman from Scotland who elicited lots of praises and compliments not just from the three judges, but also from millions of people across the universe, thanks to YouTube. Her inspiring story spread rapidly like wildfire and inspires others (especially underdogs and dark horses like her) to reach for your dreams no matter what. The Britain's Got Talent contestant (by far the most popular these days), delivered a strong performance backed up with an even appropriate and inspirational song, "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables.
I like watching that show, in the sense that Britain's Got Talent is indeed about talent. It's about talent through and through, despite your looks, and your age. And what I even like most about the inspiring story of Ms. Susan Boyle is that it's as if she's the epitome of dreaming and believing in your dreams-and not putting an age limit to your dreams and goals. What makes this inspiring story so appealing to the masses, is the fact that we have a not-so-young dreamer dreaming to be a professional singer (wants to be as successful as Elaine Page at that!), when generally, dreaming is associated for the young and their promising future.
But here, we have Susan Boyle to change the face of dreaming big and giving us her inspiring story. Truly, she's not just a living example, but also a living inspiration as well! I know of other singing competitions that imposed age limits on their contestants. It's good that Britain's Got Talent never limits their contestants for a certain age bracket only. Why this allure about second chances and underdogs and dark horses? And why not-it just goes to show that all of us, at some moments in our lives, can relate to being underdogs, since we experienced what it feels like being an underdog ourselves.
We want to inspired and strengthened after failure, rejection, and frustration. An inspiring story like Susan Boyle's is just one strong validation and we felt justified that we can be like her. She's also a real person (and not just any fictitious character) and she's like one of us, living an ordinary life but who wants to have a better life. So, how who can resist this inspiring story? As we live our day to day struggle in our lives, we all need some bits of inspiration to make us smile, enlightened, hopeful and optimistic for our future. And we don't need pretty faces, toned muscles, almost-perfect hair that light up our TV screens to make us inspired.
On the contrary, it's those flawed, ordinary-looking individuals which we can relate to that make us more humane and we can say, "If she can do it, I can too." And I love that smiling aura of Ms. Boyle devoid of any arrogance or self-pity (unemployed, but still looking) when asked what she's going to do onstage. She said, "I'm gonna wow the audience". And boy, she did more than just that-she even received a standing ovation not just from the crowd, but also from the two judges. Everybody's got an inspiring story---what's yours?
The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem overnight. More info about this "Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You" is available at
Thursday, January 7, 2010
スーザン・ボイル準決勝の曲:メモリー 「キャッツ」より MEMORY - Susan Boyle
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Susan Boyle - Only An Excuse 2009
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
【高画質】スーザン・ボイル Susan Boyle 夢やぶれて(日本語字幕)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Work With What You Have
The world was abuzz last week after the 47-year old Scottish "spinster", Susan Boyle, mesmerized us with her vocal performance on Britain's Got Talent. In less than a week, her rendition of Les MisPrables, I Dream a Dream, has been viewed over forty million times on YouTube. As beautiful as her voice is, her sudden popularity has as much to do with her appearance as it does with her talent. The moment she stepped on stage, she was viewed as a joke--old, frumpy and unattractive.
Ignoring the obvious laughter and jeers from the audience (and sarcasm from the judges), Susan displayed absolute confidence from start to finish. She may not have possessed the outer beauty that the world has come to judge as attractive, but she worked what she had! She worked it so well that the same audience that booed when she stepped on stage ended on their feet applauding with tears streaming down their faces. Why? Because we love to see the underdogs prevail. Who would have thought...?
You can never judge a book by its cover! What hidden talents are you withholding--perhaps out of fear, unbelief or lack of confidence? Most people sit on the sidelines of life as spectators watching others live out their dreams. Incubating inside of them are innovative ideas, unexpressed gifts & talents and creative genius.
Perhaps your head is waging a war with your heart; your reality with your desire. Do you know that people would be shocked to know all that you possess inside? I find it interesting that many people, who know my history, are amazed that I went from a 20-year career as a tax professional to writing, speaking and life coaching. I'm confident that you're not one-dimensional either. Deciding to a "stay put" and play yourself small doesn't serve you well, or anybody else for that matter. You can choose to stay in your safety zone--focusing solely upon self preservation or live a larger, more fulfilling life.
This week I encourage you to get ready to make your grand entrance. Step away from the sidelines and onto the playing field. You might not have Halle Berry's looks or Celine Dion's voice. Sometimes sheer desire will take you much further than outer beauty (or talent) ever could. Don't focus on what you don't have. Acknowledge what you do have and work it! If you happen to have beautiful features (face, hair, hands, physique, etc.), then throw it all in the mix and work that too!
Take Action Challenge
What's holding you back from working what you've got? Write it down and then decide what you intend to do about it. It might not be wise for you to step out with reckless abandon, but setting an intention is a starting point.
Rebecca McClain is a life and career development coach. She is the founder and CEO of Life Treasures, LLC. As an entrepreneur, author, speaker and coach she is recognized as an expert in personal and professional success and fulfillment. Visit her website to receive a free audio CD
Sunday, January 3, 2010
susan boyle first interview - Scottish Television
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Sharon Osbourne Trashes Susan Boyle on Opie & Anthony
Friday, January 1, 2010
Susan Boyle - I Dreamed a Dream [HQ] (full, srpski)